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    ������PORT CITY������ 結果共4筆

  • Taichung metro blue line plan approved

    The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has approved a comprehensive plan for the Taichung Metro Blue Line and a feasibility study for the Taiwan Railway’s coastline dual-track. The completion of the transit system is estimated to be in 10 years, costing NT$1615.14 billion, with NT$675.59 billion borne by the central government. The Blue Line will connect Taichung Port to the city center, serving as the city’s most crucial east-west axis. It will also connect with the Green Line to form a cross-axis network. An agreement on the deployment of the Blue Line’s Shalu Overpass section was reached by the MOTC and Taichung City Government. The completion of the Taichung Metro Blue Line and the Taichung Port rail line’s dual track system is expected to improve the Taichung area’s rail infrastructure and spur balanced development in urban, rural, and coastal regions.
    2024/01/30 12:43
  • Iconic yellow ducks return Kaohsiung after a decade

    The Kaohsiung City Government has announced the return of the beloved yellow rubber ducks to the southern Taiwan port city after a decade away. The "2024 Kaohsiung Wonderland Winter Fair" will take place at Kaohsiung Port Pier 17 from Jan. 27 to Feb. 25. The fair will feature two rubber ducks and various attractions, including inflatable installations, interactive art displays, circus acts, and children’s theater performances. The yellow rubber duck first toured Taiwan in 2013 and attracted almost 3.9 million tourists to visit Kaohsiung.
    2024/01/22 12:10
  • 慈善活動成悲劇 奈及利亞教堂踩踏意外釀31死多為兒童

    《ABC NEWS》報導非洲奈及利亞南部河流州(Rivers state)哈克特港市(Port Harcourt city)的某間教堂,於當地時間28日舉辦慈善活動時,發生一起嚴重踩踏意外,造成31人死亡,7人受傷。目擊者透露,死者包括一名孕婦和許多兒童。
    2022/05/29 10:38
  • 軟銀總部大搬家 進駐東京智慧5G大樓

    2020/09/10 19:54
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